Wang Yanbiao, English name Danny and Wang Yanbiao is his original name, also called haoyun, mozan, tianlongshanren and shuzhaifeilongxuan. And he was born in Zhenyuan Country, Qingyang City, Gansu that is the hometown of calligraphy, moreover graduated from Beijing Renwen University. And that he keen on not only martial arts and calligraphy, but also guqin and weqi, furthermore is wild about Chinese traditional culture and the education of calligraphy and painting. He was taught by Mr Hou Tingfeng, Ni Wendong, Li Ming and ect. Now he acts as the member of Oriental Ancient Calligraphy and Painting, one of the founders at Inknow Academy, the educator who is the first one advocated bilingual teaching to promote the culture of painting and calligraphy, academician of the Institute of Peony Fine Arts in Heze City, Shangdong, the member of Beijing Changping Calligraphy and Painting Association, and Chinese Calligraphy and Painting showman of the year in 2019.
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